Monday, March 16, 2009

In February 2007, the United States, through the Bureau of Population,
Refugees, and Migration at the U.S. Department of State, will begin
resettling about 600 Banyamulenge Tutsi from the Democratic Republic
of the Congo. The refugees are survivors of a brutal attack in 2004 by
Hutu extremists on unarmed Banyamulenge residents of the Gatumba
Refugee Camp in Burundi, near the Congolese border. The massacre
was the latest episode in a 10-year history of violent persecution against
the Banyamulenge Tutsi in the Congo.
The Gatumba survivors will be joining a small community of
Banyamulenge Tutsi refugees who first began arriving in the United
States in 2000. To help U.S. resettlement agency staff better understand
and thus better assist the refugee newcomers, this Backgrounder provides
basic information about the Banyamulenge Tutsi in general and
the Gatumba massacre survivors in particular.
The Banyamulenge Tutsi
Survivors of the Gatumba Refugee Camp Massacre
COR Center Refugee Backgrounder No.1
Who Are the Banyamulenge?
Before their displacement, the Banyamulenge Tutsi were pastoralists living in
the High Plateaux region of South Kivu province, in the eastern Congo. They
are devout Christians and speak Kinyamulenge, a language closely related to
Kinyarwanda and Kirundi, the national languages of Rwanda and
Burundi respectively.
Before the Congo gained independence in 1960, relations between the
Banyamulenge and their neighbors were usually peaceful, but occasionally
fraught with tension over land use. In the mid-1960s, during the Simba rebellion
that broke out in southeastern Congo, the Banyamulenge encountered war and
forced displacement for the first time, and many families were forced to flee their
homes and villages for towns such as Uvira. There, for the first time, many were
exposed to the amenities of modern life and acquired a thirst for education that
persists to this day. They were not able to return home until about 1968.
In 1994, the Rwandan genocide—in which Hutu extremists murdered nearly
1 million Tutsi in a government-organized campaign of violence—spilled over into
the Congo when Hutu perpetrators of the genocide fled across the border and
incited local Congolese to attack Tutsi. Since then there have been regular massacres
against Tutsi in the Congo.
In 1996, the Banyamulenge Tutsi rebelled against the central government,
which supported their opponents. This became the catalyst for the regional war
that ousted Congolese President Mobutu Sese Seko from power in May 1997
and installed Laurent Kabila as president.
In August 1998, a new rebellion involving Banyamulenge broke out in the
East. Banyamulenge and other Tutsi who were stranded in Kinshasa,
insi de:
2 The Need for Resettlement
in the United States
2 Cultural Attributes
of the Banyamulenge
4 The Gatumba Survivors:
Resettlement Considerations
6 Banyamulenge at a Glance
COR Center Backgrounders provide key information about
new refugee groups for U.S. resettlement workers.
The contents of this Backgrounder were developed
with funding from the Bureau of Population, Refugees,
and Migration, United States Department of State.
The Cultural Orientation Resource Center (COR Center)
at the Center for Applied Linguistics works to increase
the capacity of overseas and U.S. refugee service
providers to orient refugees to their new American
communities and to inform U.S. communities about
refugee orientation and new refugee groups.
February 2007

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Saturday, February 21, 2009


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BY Mereweneza Sindano


Artists Starting With A[ A...A Christmas Party A Christmas Reunion...A GATA COMEU INTERNACIONAL A Gates of Purrification...a Lara Fabian A Las Chicas...A New Found Glory Feat. Adam Lazzara A New Found Glory Feat. Chris Carrabba...A Sankip Hummad a Sansara...A suivre sur Stud Jason Mraz A suivre sur Stud Jean-Jacques Goldman...A Todos A Todos Ellos...A. CoNqUiStAr a. Corelli...A.C.M. SI VALI VIJELIE A.C.M. SPUNE...A.T. Mendoza vs Tibet A.T. Mendoza vs. Love Dj...a2.mariel ito A2.Nasenbluten...Aaliyah & Timbaland Aaliyah & Timberland...Aaron Nevilee Aaron Nevill & Lynda Rondstat...Abaddona Abadesa...abdelhalim Abd-El-Halim...ABEL VELASQUEZ Abel Velasquez El Mago...Abomofour Abomofuo...Absa & Touti Absalom...Abydos ABYSIS...Accademia Dei Solinghi G P Telemann Accademia Partenopea...ACE OF BASS ace of basse...Acid Porno Acid presents Moving Sound Episode 9...Acoustic Blues Acoustic Blues Brothers...Actor One Actores Alidos...Adagio cantabile Adagio For Stings And Organ...Adam Mitchell Adam Moore...AdayenBhiHain Adaz...adem pala gitti sofiler Adem Piroglu...Adi de Vito & Mirela Adi de Vito & Mirela & Teo...Adina Bir Cizik Cektim ADINA CIZIK CEKTIM...AdnanSenses AdNauseumUK...Adrian & Don Genove Adrian & Fata Morgana...Adrian Copilu Minune & Costi adrian copilu' minune & don genove & susanu...adrian mey & aagje Adrian Mey & Bea...Adrian Stanca-Trandafir Mandru Adrian Stau si plang in fata ta...Adrienne Frantz ADRIENNE GRAY...AEDOSE AED-Sergio Dalma...Aetopoulos Giwrgos Aetos...African Bros African Brother Band...Afro Deep feat Sheila Shandra Afro DIGG...Afterlife Afterlife & Cathy Battistessa...Age pee feat. Dj skyline Age Pee vs. The Real Booty Babes...Agn s Milewski Agnaldo & Adriano...Agua Envenenada Agua Loca...AHI NOS VEMOS COCODRILO Ahi Wela...Ahmet Sendil & Naidre York ahmet seykan...aikoand Aikon...Aira Yuuki AIRAH...aj didu lidu li new AJ Downing...A-Kara AKARadio...Akira Rabelais Akira S...Akon Feat Kardinall Official Akon feat Kat Deluna...Akon ft. Zion akon ft.beanie sigel...Akyra feat. Maria Rubia Akyra Feat.Maria Rubia...Al Green ft. Joss Stone Al Green L-O-V...Al verla pasar Al Vescovo...Alain Dintimil Alain Domingue...Alan Ladd Alan Lamb & Sarah Hopkins...Alasen Barus & Juliana Tarigan Alasev...ALBENA & LIUBENA Albena & Sevcet...alberto cortes y juaquin sabina Alberto Cortes y Victor Heredia...Alcantara Pacheco ALCANZALO...Ale Dee Ft. Dj Blast Ale Dee Ft. Papaz...alejandro filio y fernando delgadillo Alejandro Filio y Santiago Feliu...Aleksander K Aleksander Kowalski...Alessio & Raffaello Alessio Beltrami...Alex C. feat.Y-Ass Alex C. featuring Y-Ass...Alex Gaudino ft Shen Alex Gaudino ft Shena...ALEX MANSILLA & CANAVERAL Alex Maresh...Alex Ubago & Amaia Montero Alex Ubago & Amaya...alexander pires- Alexander Pires & Alejandro Sanz...Alexession and Blue P alexey brut...Alexz Johnson Alexziq...Alfredo perez y fernando Alvarez Alfredo Ramirez Corral...Ali Dee And The Deekompressors Ali DEM RHAN...Aliados 13 aliados Alacranes Musical...Alicia Hush ALICIA I EL MIRALL...Alienation Mental Alienator...Aliriza Sen alirobit...Aljask sz bab Aljaskuszobab...All In OST All In The Blood...All-3alo- All-4...Allen Healey Allen Hinds...Allman Brothers & The Grateful Dead Allman Brothers & Wet Willie...Almeida Almeida Girl and La Gran Descarga...Alpenrebellen & Horst Chmela ALPENROCK AUSTRIA...Als Ik In Je Ogen Kijk Als ik jou aanraak...Altertango AlterVertigo...Alvaro Moreno Alvaro Pierri...Alyson Avenue Alyson Ft Zeb...Aman Shah Aman Statis...Amarfis Y La Banda De Atake Amarfis y La Banda de Atakke...Ambidextrous Erroism Ambidextrous vs. Vanilla Ice...AMEREJ Ameria...Amethyystium AMETISS...Amir Yazbek Amir Zaki...AMOR FASCINAME Amor Fiesta...Amr Diab Amarain Amr Diab Amr Diab...Amy Shreve Amy Skjei...Ana Caram y A. Carlos Jobin Ana Carina...Ana+Kokic+ Ana+Nikolic+...Anane and Louie Vega anane and mr v...Ancienne S Anciennes S...And We Danced and we remain...Andikiru Andikiss...Andre Caccarelli and Stephy Haik Andre' Campra...Andre' Stade Andre Stinky...Andrea Bochelli And Sarah Brightman Andrea Bochelli y Laura Pausini...ANDREAS JOHNSON '' Glorious '' Andreas Johnson -Shine...andres calamaro con bersuit Andres Calamaro Fito Paez y Sabina...Andrew Sekriero Andrew Shartner & Robert...Andrzej Bogucki&Ch r Czejanda Andrzej Brandstatter Z Przyjaciolmi...Andy Farley & Colin Barratt Andy Farley & James Lawson...Andy Prinz with Naama Hillman Andy Quach...Anett ANETT K LPIN...ANGEL NOVA eL Lick ANGEL NOVA Flo Rida ft. T-Pain...Angela Williams Angela Winbush...Angelo Vaillant & Montuno Sessions Angelo Vaillant and Ernest ''Chico'' Alvarez...Angie Stone feat. Styles P Angie Stone Featuring Betty Wr...Anifernyen Anigma...Anishoara Puica ANISOARA...Anjin Anjl...Ann dji Ann Dji feat. Nisto...Anna Sahlene Anna Sedakova...Annee 80 Axel Bauer Annee 80 Cookie Dingler...Annie Lennox and the Eurythmics Annie Lennox en Aretha Franklin...Anorganick Anorganik...Anson Funderburg & Sam Myers Anson Funderburg & the Rockets...Anthony Beep Anthony Beruski...anti shox ANTI SMART...Antoine Clamaran and Mario Ochoa Antoine Clamaran And Mario Ochoa Feat Lulu Hughes...Antonin Bouscatel and Jean Sanit Antonin Dvok...Antonov Anton's Women...Any Any & Lucas...APAY NDOROJUHUVEY Apaz...Apocalyptica.Buffy the vampire slayer ApocalypticaFeatAdamGontier...Applejacks Applejaxx...Aquaboogie Aquabox...Arabeasca Arabeasca 12...Arash feat Krestnay semya Arash Feat Lumidee...Arcangel Ft Jadiel & Tito El Bambino Arcangel Ft Jadiel and Tito ''El Bambino''...ARCTECHNICO ARCTIC...ARENA Willie Col n ARENA Wisin & Yandel Ft David Bisbal...Aria One Aria Project...Arise-X Arishima Moyu...Arma Blanca Arma blanca & Nach Scratch...Armas CJ The Angel Armas Jarnefelt...Armin Van Buuren ft. DJ Remy and Roland Klinkenberg Armin Van Buuren Ft. DJ Shah & Chris Jones...arnell y orquesta Arnells Heart...arr infamous Arr tons la guerre...Arssura and Puya Arssura and Serban...Art Tatum with Ben Webster Art Taylor...Arthur Pryor Arthur Pryor Band...Artur Skott Artur Sl ger k yas n as k Yasin...Asculta BassHunter Asculta Bibanu MixXL...Asculti acum la Radio Zarnesti-Florin Salam Asculti acum la Radio Zarnesti-Florinel...Ashanti feat. Ja Rule & Nas Ashanti feat. Ja Rule and Charlie Baltimore...Ashram Ashro B...Ask Me ASK ME WHY...ASOT 014 ASOT 014-Armin Van Buuren...Asshunter & Ellen Asshunter Feats Nightprodder...ASTRID BRECK astrid de jong...asya sabanci gitme sevdalim Asya Sentez...ATB Featuring Enigma ATB featuring York...atheus ATHF...Atmos Atmos & Ech -lab...Atrocite feat Mque Atrocite feat. MQ...Audible Mobile Selection Audicao 4...Audioscam Audioscape...Augustina Addison Augustina Anderson...Aurora Featuring Naimee Coleman AURORA FT AMANDA WILSON...Auteur Auteurs...Auto DJ Draait nu Corry Konings & Koos Alberts Auto DJ Draait nu Corry Konings & Will Tura...Auto DJ Draait nu Johnny Guitar Watson Auto DJ Draait nu Johnny Jordaan & Willy Alberti & Tante Leen...Auto DJ Draait nu Rihanna & Ne-Yo Auto DJ Draait nu Rinaldo's...Auto Stream Ayu Auto Stream Azad...Auto Stream Picco Auto Stream Pink...Autumn Falling Autumn Forest Song...AVEMANO ORCHESTRAL avemaria...Avner & Rachel Boskey Avner and Rachel Boskey...Awie & Search Awie & Wings...Axl Rose Axl Rose & Bruce Springsteen...Aya Hirayama Aya Hisakawa...Aylin Ural Aylin ido urai faturink orion Az l Az l...aziz dogan Aziz Duran...AZZZ ]
AA'a 'A & CA & C vs. Dj. AlyosaA & E DeptA & JA & KA & LA & N ProjectA & PA & P Project & Zemya HamiltonA & SA .12 Gauge TragedyA .4A .CA .SAMIOUA + Velozes e Furiosos 3A 01a 01 trote da elianaa 02a 04A 1A 1 G n l PA 1 StudioA 1.Steliana SimaA 100 SARAA 100 SKANDALOSAA 1000 x HoraA 101 Federico y su ComboA 101 VOLVERTE A VERA 103 ACEPTAME COMO SOYA 105 YO SE QUE NO ES FELIZA 106 VOLVEREA 109 CHAO CHAO AMORA 111 DUE O DE NADAA 114 MENTIRASA 115 ME ESTOY ACOSTUMBRANDOA 117 PORQUE TE QUIEROA 120A 121 LA CULPABLEA 123 NENA LINDAA 125 SE MURIO EL AMORA 127A 141 MIL HERIDASA 145 LLEGASTE TUA 147A 148A 15heuresdumatinA 165A 1k VeyselA 2A 2 ZA 3A 3 dans les WCa 4A 5A 7A 7.Steliana SimaA AA A IDAN GELA A L I Y A HA A LikesA A Raka SdanA A RAKA SIDANA A TentatA Aa E Eea Ac aIa ahA A-haA AlegriaA Alegria do SenhorA alikes feat AfayahA alma abatidaA ALYAa AmaraA Amedeo MinghiA and A festival kill Jan. 5A and Ca and Don GenoveA and E DeptA and E ProjectA and La and Liviu PustiuA and Ma and m production ft.karemA And N Projecta and p project feat zemya hamilA and P Project Featuring Zemya HamiltonA and RA and R ReworksA and the Animala Antoni Tu MiA ApostaA APPOLON J TELFORa asarA asar nA ASARLI ZEHRAA ASARLI ZEHRA & FAD ME HALAa atay Arfundal
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A Blue RayA Bluegrass TributeA BOA TERRAA Bobby Jay ChristmasA BOCA CERRADAA BocelliA boforcenA boldogs gt l orditaniA boldogsag utjat nekema boldogsagotA BolhaA Bomb NationA- Bomb NationA Bon DanceA BONE feat.YA Booming-DanceA Booty LuvA Borrowed LifeA Bossa ElectraA Bossa ElectricaA Bossa EletricaA Boy Brushed Red Living in Black and WhiteA Boy Called JoniA Boy Named GirlA Boy Named SiouxA Boy Named SueA Boy Named ThorA Boy s TaleA Boys TaleA BoysTaleA Brad Paisley ChristmasA BrandA Brand New StoryA bre ramce 1979A Breach On HeavenA Breath Before SurfacingA Breed ApartA Bridge Called LifeA Brief SmileA Brighter DayA Brighter Side Of Darknessa brillar mi amora BrittonA brokeheart proA Broken ConsortA Broken FlamencoA Broken HeartA Broken Heart Proa broken momentA Broken Upper HandA BROKKAA Bronx Tale SoundtrackA brutal ChristmasA BRUXA VEM AIA BU HAYATA BUENA HORAA Burning Watera Bus DreamA Bushel and A PeckA Bustling TownA Butterfly MindA BuynovA CA c a ba c A L qA C and TA C D CA C Jobim & A GilbertoA C Jobim and A GilbertoA C K & Simon PointA C K And Simon PointA C MA C M & StelutaA C M Adi de vitoA C M and CarmenA C M and StelutaA C M Guta SorinaA C MandDanielaA C MandDenisaA C NEYTA C OneA C ReedA C Reed & Big WheelerA C Reed Big WheelerA C TA CabasA cabeca do MarinhoA cabra SalomeA cabrinhaA Cada Dez PalavrasA cada ManhaA Calamaro & Los Ratones Paranoicosa cali en chivaA CAMBIO DE QUEA Caminho do CeuA Camisa e o Bot oA CampA Candle In The WindowA CANOA DA GRANDE ILUSAOA canorous quintet
A cantar con xabar na capellaa capitol rock a billy partyA Capitol Rockabilly Party Ferlin HuskyA Cappela KumzitzA CappellaA CAPPELLA BGM VersionA Cappella Harmony QuartetA Cappella HymnsA CAPPELLA Long VersionA Cappella SEVENA Cappella SpiratualsA Cappella Treasury ShabbosA Cappella Tufts BeelzebubsA CAPPELLA VersionA Captain JackA CARA O CRUZA Carta ft. FaustoA Casa das 7 MulheresA Casa das Sete MulheresA Casa do RockA Casa vai cairA Case Of TymeA Case Of YouA CassiusA Cast Of ThousandsA CASTA SUZANAA CastroA Casual EmergencyA Cat Called Cricketa Cat StevensA CatherineA Caus De GarconsA Caus' Des Gar onsa caus des garconsA Caus' Des GarconsA CAUS' DES GARONSA Caus'Des GarconsA Cause Des Gar onsA cause des garconsA CAUSE DES GARCONS '' A Cause Des Garcons ''A cause des garionsA cause des gra onsA CAUSSE DES GARCONSA Cautionary Talea cc-live projectA CelentatoA Celtic ChristmasA Celtic journey by Meava CentrumA Century of SantourA ceraA Certain FrankA Certain RadioA Certain RatioA Certain SomethingA Certain Type of PersonA Certain UrgencyA cha konA cha RelizaniaA Challange Of HonourA Challenge of HonourA ChamadaA Chance CounselA CHANCE TO BE FREEA changeA Change is Gonna ComeA Change Of PaceA Change of SeasonsA Change Would Do You GoodA Chapa Vai EsquentarA Chapter Of Trivial FictionA CharleneA Charlie Brown ChristmasA Charlie Browns ChristmasA che ora e' la fine del mondoA ChiA CHI MI DICEa ChicagoA Chicken With Its Head Cut OffA chie tenet dinari arressuA Child is bornA Child's Garden of GrassA Child's PrayerA Chill Out Tribute To QueenA CHILLAR A OTRA PARTEA Chillout ExperienceA Chinese RestaurantA Chit So TarA Choired TasteA Choral ChristamsA Choral ChristmasA Chorus LineA Christian AndersA Christmas CarolA Christmas Celebration 2A Christmas CrackerA christmas love songA Christmas MessageA Christmas Party

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Sebintu osee And Sifa
Mereweneza And Muhoza

Jeanne Nyamboneka She is from Congo Sud Kivu Bibogobogo ,Magadja1

Today She live In Atlanta,GA

Zion Temple Churches
Women Arise Network
Deborah's Company
Samaritan Heart

Authentic Word Ministries has five(5) branches to sustain and accomplish its Vision and Mission.
1. Zion Temple Celebration Centers 2. Missions and Evangelization 3. Samaritan Heart 4. Socio-Economic Empowerment and Development 5. Information and Communication

Zion Temple Celebration Centres
These are non denominational revival centers which are planted in every corner of the world according to the Holy Spirit guidance. These centers are not just temporary places of God visitation, but God's resting places. (Psa 123:13-14). These centers are already in existence in Rwanda, Burundi, Congo, Tanzania, Belgium, Danmark, Great Britain, France, and USA.

Zion Temple Celebration Centres
Zion Temple worship centers are revival-driven Churches planted by the Authentic Word Ministries International around the world according to the guidance of the Holy Spirit. This ministry started its Worship Center planting program in 1999 in Kigali. Since then other Zion Temple Worship Centers have been planted respectively: in Arusha (Tanzania), Burundi, Congo, Denmark, London and Brussels and very soon in France. In Rwanda there are also other two Parish Worship Centers: Zion Temple Sonatubes and Zion Temple Gisenyi and shortly a new Parish Worship Center will be opened in the city of Butare. These centres are not just temporary places of God’s visitation, but God's dwelling places. (Psalm 132:13-14). Indeed there is a well-known slogan among Zion Temple members that says: "Zion Temple, the place where God is". Pastors along with the members have committed their lives to put in action this slogan; they pray so this may not be just words but the power from a true and authentic Christian lifestyle. Indeed they have understood that the secret of a successful ministry lies in a committed prayer life. This is why Zion Temple Worship Centers have put in place a continuous prayer chain and watchman prayers."The fire is kept burning on the altar continuously, it does not go out" (Leviticus 6:6)
The vision of Zion Temple Worship Center is the same as the vision of the Authentic Word Ministries International. The vision is to "Prepare the Bride of Christ to meet the Groom!" (Amos 4:12).

Top of the page

Women Arise Network
The vision of the Athentic Word Ministries is to bring together in the unity of the Spirit, women from all nations, all races and all tribes so the power of God can be manifested in that unity. Women Explosion international conferences are one of the ways used for the purpose

Women Arise Network
Since we started the Authentic Word Ministries in Rwanda the Lord told us that the rise of our country, Rwanda, will pass trough women. The Holy Spirit revealed to us that the role of women in this region is of great importance and they are going to be mightily used by God in his service like He used Deborah in her time. This prophecy is being confirmed in our nation; we can affirm that God is acting and will keep on working in our country trough the daughters of the countryFollowing the prophecies we did not sit back but instead we prayed unceasingly for God' s guidance. In 1996, a ministry called "Deborah Company" had been established in Burundi, and in 1999 "Daughters of Zion" had been established in Zion Temple, embracing all women and girls wherever Zion Temple Churches operate.
In April 2003 Daughters of Zion in collaboration with Deborah Company organized in Kigali an international conference called "Women Explosion" from the 14 to the 20th of April 2003. Women from different Christian churches, ministries and organizations attended. The result from that conference was the creation of a christian women network "WOMEN ARISE". This network, which has its headquarters in Kigali is formed by a group of women from different countries and different religious denominations: Congo, Burundi, Uganda, Tanzania, Kenya, Belgium and France.
The main objective of WOMEN ARISE network is to support in prayers different countries suffering from war and other form of discrimination and to work together for the promotion of the christian women.
Members of the network are also members of local churches. This network is a tool, which bring closer christian women and allow them to learn together, share and transfer best practices for their fight against many problems that negatively affect their well being. An evangelical team has been organized for the home care and counseling for members who are infected or affected by the HIV
Top of the page

Deborah's Company
The company of Deborah is a christian ministry founded in 1996 in Burundi as a part of the Authentic Word Ministries. With the vision of raising an army of women with the spirit of Deborah

Deborah's Company
The company of Deborah is a christian ministry founded by Apostle Paul Gitwaza in 1996 in Burundi as a part of the Authentic Word Ministries. God had requested that there must be women with the Spirit of Deborah (Judges 4:1-10) who will raise up themselves and raise the rest of the nation to deliver the country of Burundi. The ministry is involved in many activities including evangelisation and intercession as well as assistance to widows, orphans and poor.Since it started, Deborah's company organised many prayer campaigns and national and international conferences in Burundi.

International Authentic Word Ministries.Site